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Successful Visit of the Fegicat Board to Orkli

Orkli had the honour of welcoming members of the Fegicat Board on a two-day visit on 19 and 20 June.


Orkli had the honour of welcoming members of the Fegicat Board on a two-day visit on 19 and 20 June, with the aim of introducing the company to the collective and presenting its new value proposition with the Energy Efficiency, Comfort and Health Ecosystem in the home. The visit proved to be a highly rewarding experience for both the attendees and the Orkli team, strengthening relationships and sharing key innovations in the sector. A prominent member of the Orkli team was the new Regional Sales Director for Catalonia and the Northeast, Juan Pedro Velasco, who gave them all the information about the new team that is being created in that area and Orkli's future plans in Catalonia.

The day began on Wednesday 19 with a visit to Orkli's facilities. On arrival, they were warmly welcomed by the new director of the Comfort and Health business, Mikel Mujika, followed by a guided tour of the factory, organised in groups for a more personalised and detailed experience.

During the morning, the Orkli Comfort and Health Ecosystem was presented, highlighting the innovative solutions that the company is implementing. Attendees also had the opportunity to interact directly with the equipment and technologies in a hands-on session. The day continued after a lunch where attendees were able to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere for the exchange of ideas and experiences surrounded by a good selection of pintxos typical of the area.

In the afternoon, the Fegicat meeting was held at Orkli's own facilities, and once the work was finished, the two teams, Orkli and Fegicat, continued the day with a catamaran trip around La Concha Bay in Donostia and a dinner at an emblematic cider house in Astigarraga.

On Thursday 20th, the group enjoyed a guided tour of Donostia before moving on to Otalora, where they explored the history of the Mondragon Corporation and enjoyed a meal in a historic setting exclusively for members of the Corporation.

This visit not only allowed the Fegicat members to get to know Orkli's innovations in Comfort and Health in depth, but also to enjoy leisure activities that strengthened the ties between the two entities. The experience was very positive, underlining Orkli's commitment to excellence and innovation in its sector.