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Only autonomous, mechanical-circulation integrated solar power system in the market


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The AUNA 2020 Awards Gala


The AUNA 2020 Awards Gala

The AUNA 2020 Awards gala, which was held last month in online format, brought together more than 500 participants in front of their screens, mostly senior executives from the most important manufacturing companies in the electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning sectors.

Orkli, first ventilation company to join the IAQ CLUSTER


Orkli, first ventilation company to join the IAQ CLUSTER

The Basque company Orkli, with more than 40 years in the Home Comfort and Gas Safety market, has just joined the IAQ

Orkli, at the forefront of innovation


Orkli, at the forefront of innovation

At Orkli the future is present. It is moving forward, firmly, in its transformation, innovating in its solutions with a clear objective: to generate an 'interconnected ecosystem of energy efficiency for the home'.

Orkli has been one of the companies recognized with the


Orkli has been one of the companies recognized with the "Qiandeng Top 10 Foreign Enterprises Award 2019"

Orkli has been one of the companies recognized with the "Top 10 Foreign Companies of Qiandeng 2019 Award", together with the Basque companies Gestamp, Fagor Ederlan and Fagor Assembly, by the local authorities of the city of Kunshan, headquarters of Orkli's subsidiary in China since 2000.

PKOM⁴, AUNA 2020 Award for the most innovative product


PKOM⁴, AUNA 2020 Award for the most innovative product

For the second year, Orkli places a product among the winners of the Auna Awards.

Orkli presents the solar thermal system in Buenos Aires


Orkli presents the solar thermal system in Buenos Aires

ORKLI has presented the OKSOL solar thermal system to more than 100 attendees at the Centro de Sustentabilidad de Puertos (Buenos Aires-Argentina) within its cycle of virtual workshops.

The European solar thermal industry and Orkli, meet in a common Manifesto to declare their commitment to #GreenRecovery


The European solar thermal industry and Orkli, meet in a common Manifesto to declare their commitment to #GreenRecovery

The European solar thermal industry and Orkli, meet in a common Manifesto to declare their commitment to #GreenRecovery

Solar Thermal Industry pledge with the fight against climate change


Solar Thermal Industry pledge with the fight against climate change

The initiative has been promoted by Solar Heat Europe

Orkli´s new corporate video


Orkli´s new corporate video

This new recording highlights the strong international character of the cooperative, with subsidiaries in China and Brazil and two investee companies in Italy.

Premios AUNA 2020


Premios AUNA 2020

Apoya con tu voto diario al PKOM⁴

Webinar Orkli - Plataforma Passive House – PEP


Webinar Orkli - Plataforma Passive House – PEP

Gran éxito de asistencia al Webinar impartido hoy 29 de mayo por Orkli sobre Buenas prácticas en la instalación de Suelo Radiante Refrescante, dentro del marco de Jornadas Divulgativas de la Plataforma de Edificación Passive House – PEP.




They say that fact is always stranger than fiction and - without a doubt - on this occasion this has proven to be the case. We're facing a health, humanitarian, and economic crisis of still unknown dimensions.

Acuerdo entre Orkli y Pichler para la distribución de su sistema PKOM4


Acuerdo entre Orkli y Pichler para la distribución de su sistema PKOM4

Orkli y la empresa austriaca Pichler, han alcanzado un acuerdo estratégico de distribución en exclusiva de su sistema combinado de ventilación con recuperación y bomba de calor, PKOM4.

OKSOL, has awarded by Auna as the most sustainable Product in 2019 in Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning section


OKSOL, has awarded by Auna as the most sustainable Product in 2019 in Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning section

OKSOL, has awarded by Auna as the most sustainable Product in 2019 in Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning section. OKSOL is the only integral, forced, autonomous and 100% sustainable solar thermal system on the market.autónomo y 100% sostenible del mercado.

Orkli y Dantherm han alcanzado un acuerdo de distribución en exclusiva para España y Portugal de sus equipos de recuperación de calor en ventilación


Orkli y Dantherm han alcanzado un acuerdo de distribución en exclusiva para España y Portugal de sus equipos de recuperación de calor en ventilación

Con este acuerdo Orkli entra de lleno en la ventilación de doble flujo con recuperación de calor y amplía su ya destacada oferta de soluciones de eficiencia energética, como el Suelo Radiante Refrescante y el Sistema Solar Térmico OKSOL.

Orkli presentó sus novedades en la IV edición de Caldiexpo 2019 organizada por Caldisa


Orkli presentó sus novedades en la IV edición de Caldiexpo 2019 organizada por Caldisa

Con stand en la exposición, participó en las Jornadas informativas y en la Mesa Redonda Sectorial organizada al final de dichas Jornadas

Encuentro anual de Proveedores y tiendas Bricoman Francia en Lille


Encuentro anual de Proveedores y tiendas Bricoman Francia en Lille

Durante este Encuentro, Bricoman reúne a todas sus tiendas de Francia y a sus principales proveedores y fue una oportunidad única para poder conocer de cerca los planes de Bricoman para 2020.

Orkli held a training day in Portugal


Orkli held a training day in Portugal

Orkli held a training day in Portugal, at Almacenes Lizgracios, in Amor (Leiria), which was attended by 17 installation technicians and Lizgracios sales representatives.

Orkli acquires 45% of the Italian Gruppo Giordano


Orkli acquires 45% of the Italian Gruppo Giordano

The operation strengthens the cooperative's business project, which incorporates the Italian company’s experience in electronic engineering.

— 20 Items per Page
Showing 61 - 80 of 81 results.