A punto fijo

Article | Description | USD/Box | €/UD.* | Documents |
SR1300 | Grupo Hidráulico: 1" Punto fijo YONOS RS25/7,5RKA | 1 | 970.54 | - |
A punto variable

Article | Description | USD/Box | €/UD.* | Documents |
SR2300 | Grupo Hidráulico: 1" Punto variable YONOS RS25/7,5RKA | 1 | 1343.93 | - |
A punto variable con regulación por temperatura exterior

Article | Description | USD/Box | €/UD.* | Documents |
SR3300 | Grupo Hidráulico: 1" Punto variable y temp. Exterior YONOS RS25/7,5RKA | 1 | 2110.43 | - |
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At Orkli, we have developed an innovative panel with a unique design which, in addition to making installation easier, maximises insulation