Orkli secures new strategic alliances in Asia
The Guipuzcoa-based cooperative, a world leader in the gas safety market and a guiding light in the water heating and home comfort sector at global level, is carrying out this round of visits in accordance with the principles established in its strategic plan: Being proactive when it comes to operations and alliances that offer new opportunities for future development for the company. The midpoint of the plan has already been reached, with a high level of compliance with the established milestones.
Thanks to the policy of alliances and acquisitions implemented by Orkli during recent years (acquisition of 40% of the Italian company Valmex in 2015 and 45% of the Giordano Group in 2019, alliances and collaboration with universities (such as Bayreuth, Mondragón, and the Fraunhofer Institute), technology centres (Ikerlan, Tecnalia, and Centro Stirling) and startups (Embeblue and Iddo)), the company's offering is now more complete - almost holistic - which opens up lots more business opportunities and consolidates the cooperative as an even more global actor on the world stage. This same approach is being used at present in Asia, where Orkli is a really important entity in the markets. The Guipuzcoa-based company anticipates achieving just as good results as were obtained in Europe.