Orkli joins BIOTZ with an 11.11% stake
This agreement reinforces Orkli's strategic objective of advancing in its own IoT ecosystem and derived services, which will be key aspects in the future of Confort&Salud and Giordano Controls.
ORKLI team triumphs in the Business Race in Donosti 2024
The ORKLI team has achieved an outstanding victory in the Business Race held yesterday in Donosti, taking first place in the men's category.
Success of visitors at Orkli's stand at Mostra 2024
Once again, Orkli actively participated in this event, which took place from 12 to 15 March at Fiera Milano (Italy).
Grant to Orkli for its innovative Energy Efficiency Project
EVE awards an important grant to Orkli for its innovative Energy Efficiency Project in the renovation of the Compressor Room
Orkli ezaguna da muskulu-nahaste eskeletikoen prebentzioan egindako lanagatik
Laneko Segurtasun eta Osasunerako Euskal Erakundeak, Osalanek, Osartenekin batera garatu duen Orkli proiektua saritu du, lanpostuan lesio osteomuskularrak prebenitzeko.
ORKLI participa junto con Ikerlan y erreka en el proyecto H2SAREA, impulsado por Nortegas
El proyecto, de tres años de duración, pretende impulsar la inyección del hidrógeno en las redes existentes de distribución de gas natural.
La doble estrategia de eficiencia energética y energías renovables y la consiguiente modernización tecnológica en sistemas de calefacción-ACS y bomba de calor ofrecen solidas ventajas para alcanzar los objetivos a nivel de energía y protección medioambiental marcados por la Unión Europea.
ortune magazine includes MONDRAGON on its 'Change the world' list
The American business magazine Fortune has recently elaborated a ranking in which it includes the companies with greater social commitment.
Solar Thermal Industry pledge with the fight against climate change
The initiative has been promoted by Solar Heat Europe
They say that fact is always stranger than fiction and - without a doubt - on this occasion this has proven to be the case. We're facing a health, humanitarian, and economic crisis of still unknown dimensions
OKSOL, ha recibido el Premio AUNA al Producto más Sostenible de 2019
OKSOL, el sistema solar térmico de ORKLI, ha recibido el Premio AUNA al Producto más Sostenible de 2019 en la sección de Fontanería, Calefacción y Climatización. OKSOL es el único sistema solar térmico integral, forzado, autónomo y 100% sostenible del mercado.
Acuerdo entre Orkli y Pichler para la distribución de su sistema PKOM4
Orkli y la empresa austriaca Pichler, han alcanzado un acuerdo estratégico de distribución en exclusiva de su sistema combinado de ventilación con recuperación y bomba de calor, PKOM4.
Orkli secures new strategic alliances in Asia
The management of the Orkli Group is travelling in Asia, holding meetings with various technology companies in Korea, China, and Japan with the aim of strengthening ties and forging alliances for research into and the manufacturing of strategic materials for use in various applications with a high level of technological complexity.
Orkli acquires 45% of the Italian Gruppo Giordano
The operation strengthens the cooperative's business project, which incorporates the Italian company’s experience in electronic engineering.